🚀 Mastering Angular Test-Driven Development 🚀
Part 1: Getting Started with Test-Driven Development in Angular
- First Steps with Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Using Jasmine and Karma for testing Angular applications
Part 2: Writing Effective Unit Tests
- Writing effective unit tests for Angular components, services, and directives
- Mocking and stubbing dependencies in Angular tests
- Testing Angular pipes, forms, and reactive programming
Part 3: End-to-end testing
- Exploring End-to-end testing with Protractor, Cypress, and Playwright
- Understanding Cypress and its role involves learning end-to-end tests for web applications
- Writing effective end-to-end testing with Jasmine and Cypress
Part 4: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
- Understanding Continuous Integration (CI/CD)
- Best practices and patterns for Angular test-driven development
- Refactoring and improving Angular code through TDD